Wednesday, August 25, 2004



“Tink Tink, Heads!!”, I opened my eyes to see Raj tossing the coin which he took from my closet. “Tatha tatha give me this coin, please ra tatha”, he asked me, with the coin in his hand. I took him in my lap and the coin into my hands. It was long since I had any use with this coin, now my 10 year old great great grandson has dug it out of no where, bringing back a lot of pleasant and not so pleasant past. I tossed it……………………..

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Pearl Drops

Pearl Drops

"Archana don’t go there into the rain" shouted her mom. I looked in that direction; it was this small little four year old girl playing with her new puppy in the first monsoon showers of the season.

The sky was pitch black, with the sun trying his best to get a peep of this beautiful lush green carpet which draped the earth like a baroque silk sari drapes a beautiful lady. I was enjoying a hot madrasi capi sitting in my easy chair and drooling over the childhood I spent there. When, I hear her voice.

She was complaining, "She will catch cold, and that stupid dog that she has got, if anything happens to it, I have to take care, that too in this village where there is nothing, why did I ever come here"

I didn't say anything, I got used to this tuffs between the mother and the daughter. I loved to watch her play in the mud and the rain. I was like that, and watching her I relived my childhood days. She knows me very well, and always complains that I am pampering Archana. But am I, its only I am letting her live what she and all her friends cannot imagine in the concrete jungle that we have created for ourselves.

But, then her nagging at least makes me call "Arch! Get in dear, your mother is in a mood to make chutney of us"
Arch looks at me a bit confused, and goes back to what she was doing. Feeling that the situation may go out of control I go to fetch her out of the mud.

Voila what a great climate, the rain filtered through the coconut palms, the drops playing hide and seek with the rain. At that instant I was taken back a quarter in my past, I started to jump in the rain and play in the muddles that as so characteristic of the place.

"You are coming or not!” were the only words she said. I was in no mood to be disturbed, as soon as she turned back (god knows what), I with Arch. and the new entrant the puppy, did a hajmola on her.

And that was it, we drenched her with mud and all the muddle water, arch., and the puppy wallowed in muddles to their hearts content. I was so happy with her also in the picture, and she was numb with what she could never even imagine can happen to her.

She goes back in very upset. I heard her say "why did you leave me? I should also have come with you, why did you do this to me?"

A lighting strike, it was beautiful. Sensing that it was beyond limits Arch. and I get back to the place where she is. The puppy diligently follows its mistress.

For her age, I am surprised to see Arch., take her mothers head in her lap and console her. "Sorry ma, i will not do anything that makes you sad. Smile na good girl na!!”

I got near them and wanted to hug them and give all the love I have. I touch her cheek with my palms. Except for a strange reaction there was no response from her. I put my hand through Arch, hair but no, there’s no reaction. I shout at the top of my voice, but it doesn't have any effect on them.

I get mad, I get out of the room furious, only to bump into a poster on the wall. I am breathless, speechless, it is my obituary, I died an year back, when a lightening struck.

I turn back to see a house, to see a family, to see her, to see Arch., to see the poster disintegrating in the heartless drops that are no more pearls.

My Story

My Story
"No!!" I shouted at the top of my voice waking up from a bad dream. It was cold outside, and I was freezing to death. But I could hear only a squeak. I tried harder to hear my voice; all I could hear was just another squeak.

I was restless, unable to move, unable to turn. I was surprised to feel how soft my body has become. It was tender like a leaf adored with pearls of dew.

However, the feeling of tenderness was no consolation to my immobility. I tried in vain to lift myself up; not one of the body parts supported me. The eyelids shut my eyes, which were keen to see the light. I shouted in frustration, but I could hear nothing but a cry of agony and pain.

Out of blue came a hand, it was the touch for which I have waited all my life. It was she, I was sure it was she, if only I can open my eyes. The hand took me close to her warm bosom; her soothing touch had made me forget all the pain. The cold, which woke me up, disappeared in her warmth. I didn't want to open my eyes; least I should be deprived of this comfort (How selfish of me).

Then came an interesting thought to me, where am I? Why is she here with me? What happened to me? This thought process took me back to, what I remembered last.

It was a bright Sunday morning; I had planned for a long drive along the coast of Bay Of Bengal with her. I met her a year back at book festival. There was this book on cocktails, which I wanted as a present for a good friend of mine, however I got the reply that it was already chosen by an young lady who was browsing the stack at some distance. She was plump and had a silky black hair. Dressed in fair looking salwar suit, she was pouring over the books like a ravenous wolf. With the book in hand, I walked up to her and said, "Excuse me madam, will you mind if I take this book".

She turned,the silky hair breezing past my face, and said "What?” I was shocked; I knew I was in love with this girl. It was not new for me to fall in love, but this time I was head on in love with this girl. The large playful eyes added what I call "kala" to an already enchanting face. Its was not just the face that I fell for, it was the grace in her look and moments, and when I came to know her better, I just couldn't believe my luck, for such a wonderful individual was she.
"Forget it" pat came the reply, thud I came back to earth. I pleaded her and persuaded her and cajoled her to let me go with the book, reluctantly she agreed.

Thus started a new phase in my life, when I have decided upon my life partner, only hitch was she was already engaged.This didn't dampen my spirits as I always believed that I"m"possible.

And that Sunday afternoon, it was about six months since she accepted me. We reached Rishikonda, with its beautiful sun kissed beaches and unexplored wilderness offered an apt place for couples like us looking for hours of seclusion.

At 5 in the evening dark clouds broached the sky gobbling up the sun in the process. We decided to leave, as there were ominous signs of an impending storm. Driving by the coast road with the wind on the face was a beautiful experience. Without any warning there was this boulder, which rolled over from the adjoining hill, triggering a landslide unknown in this part of the world. I felt a bang on my head and that’s it, I woke up to find my self in the arms of that beautiful lady whom I love as much as I love myself.

With these thoughts I dropped to sleep.

Commotion around me brought me back from my slumber. I felt warm in my blanket, relluctantly I opened my eyes when I felt her taking me into her hands, for a moment I was shocked I couldn't believe what I saw. She took me into her arms from a, "cradle".